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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sali Right to Oppose CHIP Bill

Idaho’s congressmen split their votes yesterday on reauthorizing the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Congressman Simpson voted to support the Democrats in their attempt to expand the program.

Congressman Sali opposed the bill.

We believe Sali was correct. Some in and out of Congress oppose the bill because they see it as a major expansion of the government’s interference in health care. Budget busting may be a valid criticism, but that is not our problem with the legislation.

We have repeatedly expressed our support for President Bush’s inclusion of preborn children in the CHIP program. It may be his single-strongest accomplishment as president. But the Abortion Industry vehemently opposes even the hint of providing benefits to preborn children. For one thing – it may actually help women choose life for their children when relieved of some of the financial burdens of pregnancy. For another – Bush’s CHIP plan clearly suggests that there is actually a human being floating around inside that womb.

Those were the battle lines when we waged a massive effort to secure benefits for Idaho’s preborn children in the 2003 session. Rep. Bill Sali led those efforts when he was in the Legislature and well appreciates the practical and long-term benefits associated with giving benefits to babies in the womb.

However, he has watched the national Democrats gut that portion of the CHIP program. As now drafted by the Abortion Lobby, CHIP benefits could actually be used in many states to pay for the aborting of babies.

No doubt Sali’s Democrat opponent – whether Larry Grant or some one else – hopes to score points next year by depicting Sali as some kind of cold, uncaring conservative.

But we believe that when people fully grasp what the Abortion Lobby has done to this fundamentally worthy program – they will appreciate Bill Sali’s leadership.

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