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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Planned Parenthood Goes to the Fair

A board member of this organization showed us a condom-dressed-up-as-a-lollipop, complete with a nice little bow. She obtained it at the Idaho Planned Parenthood booth during the latest run of the Idaho Western Fair.

The group was distributing them to kids cruising their site.

Our friend complained to the folks running the Fair, explaining that the lollipop-condoms were both suggestive and inappropriate for children. The response? A dead-pan imitation of a Planned Parenthood spokesman: “But that is their target audience”.

No moral dilemmas here, just blind support for the radical agenda of Planned Parenthood. Now we have local government officials providing a venue so Idaho’s largest abortion mill can more easily corrupt Treasure Valley teens and pre-teens with their “easy sex” message.

Had the matter been pressed further, there’s little doubt that Fair officials would have cited Planned Parenthood’s right to “free speech”. Funny how that works, though. What would these foolish people say if we were to distribute pictures of those babies who paid the ultimate price for the easy sex culture created by Planned Parenthood? Screams of protest, no doubt.

So the Idaho Western Fair, one of the last places where families and kids should be able to enjoy wholesome fun, is now a hunting ground for the folks at Planned Parenthood. Their distribution of lollipop-condoms both trivializes sex and blesses promiscuity as a “natural” part of the childhood experience. Such corruption of children was once considered a serious criminal enterprise; now it has the protection of the local Fair Board.

To add insult to the insanity of the Fair Board – it is probable that Congress provided the money to manufacture the illicit trinkets in the first place.

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