Catholic Nun to Raise Money for Idaho ACLU

The Idaho ACLU has announced that Sister Helen Prejean, made a celebrity by her book and movie on the death penalty (“Dead Man Walking”), will be its featured speaker at a fundraiser later this week. The ACLU will charge $50 per person on Friday, September 28th so local supporters can meet Sister Helen and fill their war chest.
Sister Helen is a member of the Congregation of St. Joseph and native to Louisiana.
She is coming to Boise to speak at the Catholic Diocese’s Fall Conference, and apparently added the ACLU fundraising gig to her itinerary.
Perhaps Sister Helen is unaware of the pivotal role the Idaho ACLU plays in promoting abortion. They have sued the State of Idaho half-a-dozen times on various abortion laws – including a decade-long battle to establish a “right” to tax-funding of abortions. They essentially operate as the legal arm of Idaho Planned Parenthood, and have opposed every pro-Life bill presented in the Idaho Legislature over many years. (The last was our Parental Consent legislation). The blood from thousands of sacrificed Idaho children drip from the hands of her radical beneficiaries.
We pray Sister Helen immediately ends her scandalous support of this notoriously anti-Christian group.
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