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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It Just Gets Stranger

Sometimes one sees a story in the papers which illuminates the culture’s greasy path into barbarism. The light provides a little perspective from which to measure the rate of our descent.
Such a story came this weekend from neighboring England.

Scientists there are waging an intense battle with governmental authorities to gain permission to begin cloning human-animal hybrids. Just for “research purposes”, you understand. This band of mad idiots wants to breed new life forms from cows and human beings. Supposedly this will allow for new insights into genetic disorders.

We can and should understand that this particular breeding program is only a beginning. Once the door is opened, there will be regular requests for other human/animal hybrids. There is also no reason to believe that the purposes of such “research” will be limited to the treatment of human disease and ailments. Once polite society can be conditioned to accept the “possibilities” of playing God – only disaster will be effective at curbing the practice.

One might think such developments are far from the abortion debate. But we understand that these kinds of projects are poisoned fruit from the decision to allow the wholesale destruction of human beings for the mere convenience of other human beings. Mankind is well on its way back to seeing the individual as nothing more than a potential means to some end defined by the more powerful.

For More Information: see the Guardian story on August 26, 2007.

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