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Friday, July 06, 2007

Police Operate as Subsidiary of Planned Parenthood

WorldNetDaily recently posted a story out of York, Pennsylvania, detailing a conspiracy by police and city officials there to prevent pro-Lifers from conducting protests and prayer vigils at the local Planned Parenthood clinic. Over the past five years, dozens of pro-Lifers have been arrested by police for crimes ranging from trespassing to disorderly conduct.

None of the charges have resulted in convictions. But the campaign of harassment and intimidation has led a group of pro-Lifers to file a federal lawsuit against the York Police Department, claiming that their right to peaceful assembly and free speech are being systematically denied by local authorities.

In addition to unspecified damages, the lawsuit seeks a court’s order to the police department that it end its harassment.

The WorldNetDaily story also details a number of assaults against protesters at the Planned Parenthood facility – several of which involve the use of vehicles as deadly weapons. One incident involved an 18-wheel semi truck, which jumped the curb in an attempt to run over a pro-Life protester. While police looked on, the protester jumped to safety. The officers failed to pursue the truck driver, but they did arrest the protester because he landed on Planned Parenthood’s property. Charges of “criminal trespass” against the victim were eventually dismissed by a court when video of the incident was produced.

Most of the arrests have been conducted by off-duty York policeman, who moonlight at the Planned Parenthood clinic as a way to subsidize their incomes. They are reportedly paid $37.50 per hour to serve as security guards at the clinic; under a special arrangement between Planned Parenthood and city officials, the officers are allowed to wear their uniforms while working for the abortion industry’s giant.

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