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Friday, June 08, 2007

Abortion Industry's War Against Conscience

Liberals opened another front against freedom this week, when Congressman Carolyn Maloney and Senator Frank Lautenberg introduced a bill requiring pharmacists to dispense the abortion-causing “Morning After Pill”. Pharmacists who refused to give out the drug could be fined up to $500,000. In addition, a woman or girl upset by the pharmacist’s refusal could file a lawsuit and receive awards for emotional distress, punitive damages and attorney fees.

The legislation is being pushed by NARAL and Planned Parenthood.

Congressman Maloney, according to WorldNetDaily, defended the legislation as necessary to protect “a constitutional right”.

Many pharmacists in the country object to dispensing MAP because it can cause an abortion. In these cases, a fertilized egg is unable to implant in the uterine wall.

It is tempting to conclude that Planned Parenthood & Friends are seeking to place a woman’s convenience ahead of a pharmacist’s right to maintain high ethical standards in the practice of medicine. But the truth is much darker and more complicated.

Groups like Pharmacists for Life pose a substantial obstacle to the Abortion Industry’s Big Lie Campaign to control the public debate over the ethics and scientific facts of human reproduction. They have succeeded, for instance, in forcing many in the Medical Industry to accept their new definition of ‘pregnancy’: A woman is not pregnant until and unless a fertilized egg is actually implanted in the uterine wall. That period of time (which could be a week or more) between fertilization and implantation presents the Abortion Industry with “an inconvenient truth” – to steal a trendy term. The killing of newly created human beings during this first part of pregnancy is an obstacle to selling America more pills; an obstacle to selling a new generation on the wondrous benefits of truly easy sex-without-consequence.

Planned Parenthood is determined to overcome this problem by simply adjusting reality.

Pharmacists for Life and other health care professionals must be silenced. Individuals in the medical community must be forced to comply, to submit to the new "science".

This legislation is just another example of the fascist impulse within modern liberalism, further proof of its greater threat to America’s heritage of freedom.

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