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Thursday, May 03, 2007

STOPP Releases Data on Industry Giant Planned Parenthood

Did you know that Planned Parenthood opened its first abortion factory in 1970? 3 years before the Supreme Court gave birth to the feticide industry? In fact, according to STOPP, Planned Parenthood’s abortion facility was the first in the nation.

While the total number of abortions in America continues to decline slightly – Planned Parenthood reports that it committed more abortions in 2005 than any year in its history: 264,943 tiny Americans were killed in Planned Parenthood chambers. Its gain is a sign of its aggressive strategies to increase market share in the lucrative feticide industry.

But the surgical abortion numbers are only part of the story.

Planned Parenthood reports that it dispensed 261,969 doses of “Emergency Contraception” in 2005. (Also called the “Morning After Pill”). An unknown number of those doses resulted in death for a new human being.

In comparing the 2005 numbers with those from the previous year, STOPP noticed that Planned Parenthood reported it had conducted nearly 100,000 fewer breast cancer screenings between the two years, and over 5,000 fewer cases of prenatal care to expecting mothers and their babies.

STOPP is a project of the American Life League.

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