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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

National Poll Finds Pro-Life Majority

A national poll by CNN – not exactly a news source inclined to present positive news on any conservative issue – shows that a majority of Americans identify themselves as “pro-Life”.
A survey of 1028 adults earlier this month found that 50% identify as “pro-Life”, while 45% considered themselves more inclined to support abortion rights.

A poll conducted last summer in Idaho’s 1st Congressional District found that Idaho voters were more strongly pro-Life life than found in this CNN survey: 53% of Idahoans called themselves “pro-Life”, while only 40% considered themselves “pro-choice”. Even more significant is the fact that 44% of Idahoans described themselves as “strongly pro-Life” – versus just 22% willing to identify themselves as “strongly pro-choice”.

That huge practical advantage in intensity was also picked up in the CNN poll. reports that people who describe themselves as “pro-Life” in the CNN poll were twice as likely to say the issue was extremely important to them, compared to abortion rights supporters.

“Abortion rights opponents have intensity on their side,” CNN reported in its story on the poll. (That must have been a painful admission.)

Such polling data puts a real focus on the impending crisis facing conservatives as we quickly confront the beginning of the presidential selection process. The leading candidate to challenge abortion fan Hillary Clinton, Rudy Giuliani, is hostile to the basic values of the nation on a number of crucial social issues – especially abortion.

It will only be possible to defeat Clinton with a candidate who can mobilize the great majority of pro-Life voters.

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