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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Texas Toddler Latest Target of Death Culture

The ethics of abortion continue to spread across the entire medical profession. Indeed, there are those who see the Roe decision of the Supreme Court not so much as an edict legalizing abortion – but as an endorsement of another profession’s power and prerogatives to treat patients as they will.

Once upon a time in America, such deference and confidence may have been understandable; but the medical profession no longer feels bound by the ethics of the Hippocratic Oath. The collective ego of the profession could not stand the restraints and humility it necessarily implied.
As a consequence, lives are lost when doctors conclude they alone have the wisdom to tell the future; they alone are wise enough to determine which lives are worth living, which are worth saving.

In a drama playing out in Austin, Texas, a little toddler is fighting for his life against the wishes of the medical authorities of Children’s Hospital. Using the power granted them by the Texas Legislature, they have declared further treatment of little Emilio Gonzales to be “futile” – even though a clear diagnosis of his medical condition has yet to be determined. They have notified the boy’s mother that she has ten days to find another hospital willing to care for him, or they will pull him off food, water and a ventilator.

Doctors think the boy may have “Leigh’s Disease”, a life threatening condition. However, some of its victims live years. Emilio’s mother, Catarina, has told the press that she is well aware of the fact that there is not yet a cure for the condition: “But I want him to die when God calls him, not when someone pulls the plug.”

Emilio’s mother took the hospital to court. A judge yesterday issued a temporary “stay of execution” for the toddler.

Let us join her in praying for his life and the repentance of an arrogant and increasingly corrupt medical profession.

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