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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Senate to Debate Baby Harvesting

The Family Research Council reports that the U.S. Senate will begin debating Senate Bill 5 as early as tomorrow. This legislation, sponsored by Tom Harkin and Harry Reid, would declare open season on harvesting cells from human babies, using your tax dollars to pay those doing the killing.

The harvesting of cells from human embryos is currently legal in the United States, a by-product of our Death Culture. This fight involves how many of us will be compromised by the practice. Reid’s legislation would tear down the barriers erected by President Bush in the summer of 2001.

You can help defend preborn children by encouraging Senators Crapo and Craig to oppose Senate Bill 5. You can reach them through the capitol switchboard: 202.224.3121. These gentlemen have fought for the innocent many times during their careers, but it is important for them to know we are paying attention and appreciate their efforts.

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