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Monday, April 16, 2007

Planned Parenthood Marks Portland's Black Community

Planned Parenthood in Portland convinced a majority of the Portland Development Commission to approve their plans to build a new regional headquarters in the heart of Portland’s black community. To make matters even more lamentable – their multimillion dollar operation will be located on Martin Luther King Boulevard.

But of course – Planned Parenthood denies that there is any sinister purpose or agenda behind its selection of a site. They aren’t really looking to pursue Margaret Sanger’s oft-stated solution for prejudice and poverty; it is entirely a coincidence that black abortion rates will climb.

If possible, the thinking of white commissioners is even more appalling: They received Planned Parenthood’s proposal as a matter of “sound economic development strategy” for the neighborhood. They welcomed the promise of 140 “high end” jobs, despite the fact that the building and operation will be financed in the blood of the innocent, all on city-owned property.

Opponents presented 1000 signatures from members of the surrounding community, urging the urban development to reject this sordid economic development strategy; but like many liberals, they assumed the common posture of knowing what’s best for their “wards”.

Commissioners also ignored the pleas of pro-Life activists. Carolyn Wendell of Voice of Catholics Advocating Life rebuked Planned Parenthood and the commissioners: “They are rich white people who say that they love the blacks, who give them the name of a street and then kill their children.”

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