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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Weird Doings in Kansas

There have been many twists and turns in the legal and social issues raised by George Tiller’s brazen late-term abortion practice in a state once fabled for family and “down home values”.

But this is not Dorothy’s Kansas anymore.

All of Kansas became corrupted by Tiller and his butchery when they voted to replace the tenacious pro-Life Attorney General Phill Kline last fall. A majority of citizens turned a blind eye to the evil operating within their borders – preferring a Democrat candidate who promised to install the three monkeys as his chief aides: “Deputy Hear No Evil”, “Deputy See No Evil” and “Deputy Speak No Evil”.

After all, Democrat Paul Morrison promised he would keep his hands off George Tiller after Tiller poured millions into his election campaign. And he’s delivering.

Before leaving office, AG Kline filed 30 criminal charges against George Tiller. A district court judge dismissed the charges on the grounds that the Kansas Attorney General did not have the authority to file charges.

Kline responded by appointing a Special Prosecutor, with a term to extend beyond his. He also filed an appeal of the court’s dismissal with the Kansas Supreme Court.

That appeal is still pending. But Morrison just dismissed the Special Prosecutor, saying he was biased against abortion rights.

It is possible that the Kansas Supreme Court will uphold Kline’s authority. The problem is, Kline will be gone from the Attorney General’s office.

There remains the hope that Kline will be able to pursue Tiller’s criminal enterprise through the powers he has just inherited as a county district attorney. But the odds are Tiller’s friends in the legal offices around Kansas will continue to assert themselves on behalf of his Death Machine.

We ask for your prayers on behalf of Phill Kline. And we ask you to carefully consider what is happening to the Kansas that once represented the very best of American values. It is a case study in the sundry ways abortion is corrupting our institutions and culture.

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