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Thursday, January 11, 2007

House Votes Today to Expand Preborn Killing

As part of their “100 Hour” drive to do America – Democrats will push through legislation expanding embryonic stem cell research today. They will not only expand the pot of tax money on the table for research institutions and private companies – they will seek to break the President’s prohibition on limiting research to a small number of cell lines.

Since there has been precious little hard progress in this whole ESCR debacle – one must look beyond a good-hearted search for medical treatments for motive.

Naturally, there is the reliable standard of greed. Many scientists and entrepreneurs are looking for the public dole. But what of the “true believers” like Planned Parenthood and Speaker Nancy Pelosi? Why is the expanded destruction of preborn children such a high priority?

To understand that, one needs to appreciate the social and political consequences of turning the destruction of tiny human beings into a “public good”. Obviously such a development, sanctioned by the U.S. Congress as a social benefit greatly aids in the devaluation of human life – particularly human beings at the early stages of development. By creating a mythological ethic around the casual destruction of young human beings, the Abortion Industry seeks to further anesthetize our souls.

We are hopeful that President Bush will continue to stand for the principles which may yet turn his presidency into one of history’s greatest; his televised speech in August of 2001 continues to call us to a higher plane.

Pressure will also be intense today on several new Democrat members of the Congress, who campaigned as “pro-Life” champions. Cybercast News Service reports that there were six elected Democrats who declared themselves opposed to expanded ESCR: Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Reps. Heather Shuler of North Carolina, Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Brad Ellsworth of Indiana, Charlie Wilson of Ohio and Chris Carney of Pennsylvania.

We’ll try to discover whether these people actually deliver.

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