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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Germany Latest to Pay for Babies

After decades of encouraging abortion, most European nations are suffering from declining population rates. Many are turning to benefit packages as a way of encouraging women to have more than one child.

Germany becomes the latest to adopt the strategy. As of January 1st, the Germany government will pay women up to 1800 Euro-dollars each month if they give birth, for up to 14 months.

Many German women were reportedly working hard at the end of last to delay their baby's arrival - in hopes of cashing in on tens of thousands in benefits. Newspapers have been running tip columns, while doctors were urging women to allow deliveries to proceed naturally.

The birthrate in Germany has declined to just 1.36 children per woman, below the European average of 1.52, far below the rates necessary to sustain national populations.

Britain pays families 500 English Pounds upon birth - and invests the money in a government account until the child turns 18.

Russia has been the most aggressive, largely because its population is declining at an astonishing rate of 700,000 citizens per year. It will pay women a cash bonus of 250,000 rubles if they have a second child.

Oddly enough, enough China has begun to reconsider its drastic one-child policies, and will soon offer parents in rural areas cash grants to have a second or third child.

Birth rates in the United States have also drastically declined since the onset of the Roe era, and have been below the rate necessary for replacement for most of the past several decades.


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