
The Price is Simply Too High

We have been working for nearly twenty years in Idaho to end the horrific scourge of abortion.  That battle requires a ton of research and study to keep up with the complex evil of abortion and the innumerable ways it is corrupting our very civilization.

 But once in awhile, we are plain shocked by how far things have gone.

 The latest outrage comes from that once-upon-a-time bastion of Western Civilization and Christian values, Great Britain.  Not only has that nation helped lead the way toward a broad acceptance of abortion as an “ordinary” part of social interaction – we now learn that some in the medical industry have actually turned to burning the destroyed babies as a fuel source to heart their hospitals.

Numerous media outlets have reported that at least two hospitals in that nation use incinerated babies as a fuel for their “waste to energy” heating systems.

Once the Nazi-like practice became public, the Department of Health issued an order to ban the practice in clinics which are part of the National Health Service.  Health Minister Dr. Dan Poulter pronounced the practice “totally unacceptable”.

A British television station reports that they have documented more than 15,000 babies have been burned for their heat.  You can be sure that is but a small portion of the actual number.

This story is so far past outrageous that words become difficult.  Maybe words are the wrong response anyway.  Maybe we all need to pause and simply feel this closing darkness. 

Can there be any doubt, from a rational, objective perspective, that we are paying a horrific price to maintain the practice of legalized slaughter?  The long-ago predictions regarding the collateral damage to our souls and sensibilities is plainly evidenced by practices like the one uncovered in Great Britain.  Our devaluing of Life costs us all.