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A Look Behind the Curtain

February 19th, 2014

So much of the abortion business is hidden behind the dark veil of “privacy”. But every once in awhile, the truth bleeds out.

LifeSite is carrying an interview with a nurse who has gone public with her personal journey through the murder factories which is Planned Parenthood. Marianne Anderson assisted with abortions for two years at an abortuary in Indiana. One of her functions was to administer sedatives to women and girls who paid extra for that consideration.

She recounts sex slaves being driven through the abortion clinic by their “owners” and forced into abortions. Teenage girls being pressured into abortion by mothers.

Anderson says that if girls started to cry during the “procedure”, abortionist Michael King would bark at them, “Now you chose to be here. Sit still. I don’t have time for this.”

She tells of another abortionist who would talk aloud to the various baby parts he was responsible for accounting after the killing was done: “Come on, little arm, I know you’re here! Stop hiding from me.”

“The sound the suction machine made when it turned on still haunts me,” she told LifeSite News.

Her story forces us to not only confront the emotional and physical terror faced by women and girls in submitting to an abortion, but it reminds us of the terrible toll this business must take on the people who deal destruction for a paycheck day after day. Clearly some of these people are emotionally imbalanced. Others are deeply wounded by the work they do. Many, no doubt, would like to escape and practice actual life-affirming medicine.

May the Lord of Heaven take pity on them.